Covid-19 Paragraph/Composition. SSC Paragraph Suggestion 2021-22



Introduction: COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus, a type of virus known to cause respiratory infection in humans. In early 2020, a Dec 2019 outbreak in Wuhan, China, the World Health Organization identified SARS-CoV-2. SARS-CoV-2 is one of the seven types of coronaviruses .The other coronaviruses cause most of the colds that  affect  us  during  the  year  but  are  not a serious threat for healthy people. This coronavirus outbreak quickly has spread around the world According to the WHO, coronavirus has reached almost all the countries of the world within a very short time and disrupts the health services of almost all the countries. People  affected  with this  disease  around the world have crossed several crores and death tolls have reached several lakhs. Everyday many new people are getting infected and many more are facing death. Bangladesh is not also exceptional to this fact. It has got more than 5 lakhs infected and nearly 7000 people dead.     

Symptoms of COVID-19: Though COVID-19 is a new disease and much about it has not been known yet, the main symptoms  according to  the  health  experts include fever, coughing, trouble  breathing, fatigue, body ache, sore throat, loss of smell and taste, nausea and diarrhea etc.                                                

Treatment of COVID Patients: Unlike the flu, a lot of people  aren’t  immune to the  coronavirus because it is totally new. The coronavirus also appears to cause higher rates of severe illness and death than the flu. But the symptoms themselves can vary from person  to person. If the  patient has  mild symptoms like a headache and runny nose, he has to be  in  a separate room  from other people and has to use a separate bathroom if  possible. If  the  patient  faces  trouble  breathing, he  needs to take medical help as soon as possible. The patient has to follow the doctor’s advice.   

Coronavirus Risk Factors: All groups of people from young to old are prone to be affected with this virus. But the older the patient is, the higher he is in risk of severe illness. The patient has also a higher chance of serious illness if he has some of the health conditions. The conditions include chronic kidney disease, a weakened immune system because of an organ transplant, obesity, heart failure or coronary artery disease and type two diabetics. Besides health conditions like moderate to serious asthma, high blood pressure, liver disease, smoking habits, damaged lung tissue can lead the  patient to severe  COVID-19 illness and even to death. 

How the Coronavirus Spreads: The  coronavirus  spreads from person to person. Most of all  times, when an affected person coughs  and  sneezes, the  germs  of  the disease spread. If the other persons breathe the droplets in or swallow them, the virus can get into their body. People with no symptoms  or  even little symptoms can also spread the virus. The virus can live for several hours on the surface depending on the various types of materials.  Anyone can get the virus from touching the surface   or object the virus is on, then touching his mouth, nose or possibly his eyes.                                                                                        

Prevention Strategies: The WHO has  set  some  strategies  to  the  prevention of the disease. The strategies include washing hands  often  with  soap  and  water or  cleaning  with an  alcohol- based  sanitizer, practising social distancing, covering one’s face  and  mouth  with a  face mark in public, not touching  one’s facing after facing any surfaces and clearing disinfect surfaces  one  touches often, like tables, doorknobs, light switches, toilets etc. Keeping someone home and separated from other  people if  they might have been exposed to the  virus  and  keeping  sick  people  isolated  from  healthy  people  including  using  a   separate   bedroom   and bathroom if possible. By following these strategies one may prevent the virus.                                                                                 

Conclusion: As there is no vaccine yet or the WHO has not recognized any medicine or vaccine, the best ways to prevent the disease are by making awareness of the disease, maintaining the health regulation and keep- ing ourselves quarantine and isolation and so on. To keep ourselves safe means to keep our family members and people of the society safe. Only we can defeat the virus and make the world free from COVID-19 disease.